Went out the other night. Boring time overall, but one guy I keep thinking about. A go-go boy I've met several times before. Once he even gave me his number (or a number, anyway - he never responded when I tried it - so in response to anonymous and Sven - whether it's all the gays or just the ones I meet, I guess it is fairly common.) and called me "mi amor" (yeah, he's latin). He's so beautiful! and the way he felt me up ahhhh! Yeah, it's usually the other way around with go-gos - patrons feeling them up, so I have hope he's interested. LOL.
Over the weekend, stopped at the highly promoted party that nobody went to because it's in the wrong neighborhood. Just used the bathroom, then left. Brief stop at another one that nobody went to because it's in a place with the wrong reputation. Left right quick that as well. Then went to the place where my friends were going for a friend's birthday. That place is usually way too crowded, but was actually fun this time. Not as terribly packed as it has been, and I knew a bunch of people. Then left to meet LA boy uptown. We were going to talk, and we did, but it didn't stop at talking. Which is fine. Whatever.
Now it's back to work. Wondering how/if I'm going to find the one who's going to make me happy.
Oh for those who are wondering about the May Challenge. It went great! Very inspiring. I feel like I'm in the best shape I was all year.
Trump Is Reshaping the Nuclear Landscape
2 hours ago
Sorry dude. I honestly feel for ya. Do you have any friends who are in a serious relationship? How did THEY meet?
Dude, you really got to look for someone who will take care of YOU as a whole and love you for you and not just for your body. Going to clubbing and to bars is fun and all but all you are going to find is hooks up and I think you are fooling yourself by thinking you are going to find someone way. I actually just found out a guy I thought is cute is gay, maybe that would work. You cant complain that you arent getting the emotionaly parts you need when you are looking in the wrong places
This would be easier for me if everyone who comments didn't call themselves Anonymous. I don't even know if it's one person or many!
Lol, no big. Anyway, where are you supposed to go meet people? And hot people, too!
No bigge. It's just a bit heart-breaking to read about sometimes. I have followed you on and off for about a year now, and sometimes your posts are filled with such deep emotion and creativity. You seem like a really special guy, and it's sad that you aren't being treated right.
I mean - is there no place that you can meet a gay person without clubbing? I mean, internet dating feels kinda weird, but are there other outlets? I'll ask a friend of mine...
My post was the 2nd one here, but I dont wana put my name but you know who I am, we used to talk on the phone.
The same way straight people meet, in places you wouldnt expect it. Obviously its easier for me, but I do meet quite a few gay guys and some are hot, but really hots not the main thing.
Thanks Sven, I appreciate your caring.
Anon - I love people for their body, maybe I expect the same of others. Anyway, if we talked by phone I assume you have my number. Feel free to call :)
Hey its tomboy, I actually dont have your number, it vanished.
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