My life has 2 parts. The first 25 years are heretofore to be referred to as BiP (before iPhone); the current era, begun about a week and a half ago, is dated AiP.
Of course, as I approach my 26th birthday this rebirth in the era of Anno iPhoni gives me the ability to tell people I'm much younger. I'm 2 weeks old, AiP.
But more to the point, it is a life altering device. People with iPhones have more sex, too. It's a fact.
To rewind, Pride was a total bust. Well, not total. I still had fun. I missed the parade. But not without good cause. After staying up Saturday night partying with the most beautiful people and having so much fun, I'm sure I could be forgiven for waking up late on Sunday. After 20 minutes of hula hooping (my latest fitness craze), I rushed to the city, dumped my stuff at my hotel, and raced after the parade barefoot, flipflops in hand. I never caught it; just ended up amongst the massive post-parade throngs in the Village.
I frantically called and texted all my friends at the parade, but no one was up for a post-parandial outing. Each one said he had been drained by the hot sun and was eager to go home and rest. I, having woken up as late as I did, was full of energy.
The iPhone with its Google Maps saved me from getting lost in the Village, Facebook for iPhone helped me update friends on my whereabouts and see who's up for a party. Eventually I made contact with a cute friend who also had missed the parade, due to work. We went club hopping and wound up back at the hotel with a third for what amounted to a brief nap before getting up for work Tuesday morning.
Then Thursday was Splash, met up with Nate and his boyfriend Kyle. I love these guys. I went to see their new Manhattan apartment and crashed there snuggled between them. There's no feeling like it. Sometimes I think instead of searching for a boyfriend, I should be searching for a couple. Or maybe I found one.
Friday hung out with some frat boys. One was a techie who introduced me to the world of Aeon Flux, a dystopian superhero with a Kenny complex. The two drank beer while I drank water (less calories) and then they pulled off my pants and sucked me.
Saturday night, went out to Rush and after dancing ended up going with him back to the Columbia dorms, where we spent several delicious hours before waking up early so he could go meet some friends in the Hamptons for Independence Day celebrations.
The gym was closed for the holiday, so I just laid out in the quad and soaked up some rays. It was peaceful. And hot. Like 97 degrees all day. I ripped the legs off my jeans before going back out to watch the fireworks.
After the fireworks show, we tried going for ice cream but wouldn't wait on the long lines that formed at the ice cream parlors near the pier as thousands of overheated fireworks-watchers swarmed the city after the show.
So we went to Therapy for drinks. A good time was had by all, but the guys bailed early, leaving me with too much time on my hands. I walked around a bit and eventually made my way back home. Oh,, one of the guys I was with at the fireworks was the "date" guy from the other time. I still have a big crush on him, but he seemed to be in "just friends" mode. Hmm.
Trump Is Reshaping the Nuclear Landscape
2 hours ago
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