Going to the sauna with Adonis himself. Salsa dancing. Eilat. Beaches and shops and coral reefs. Seret: Hasodot. Working. Tired. Seinfeld. Smile. Mood swings. Satisfied. Sleeping on the bus.
If my honesty don't kill me, it sure as hell gon' kill everyone around me.
"So, what did you think of Eilat?"
:shrug: :shrug: "Well, it has you."
"So you might get bored of me in a week?"
"Then put your pants back on."
"Okay." :slip my underwear on: "Now what are you doing? Oh. Ooh. Mmm. You just told me to get dressed. Ahh. I think I'll take it back off then."
"Come on, do something for me. You think sex works one way?"
"Basically, yah. What I'm in the mood for."
Trump Is Reshaping the Nuclear Landscape
1 hour ago
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