The nice thing about modern media is that it allows you to use outdated words. To name a few:
dernful (sad; lonesone),
molestful (troublesome, but nobody today is going to believe you; they'll think it means a molester or something),
aborning (in the act of being born),
Averroism (a late 13th century philosophy),
Artemovsk (a city in Ukraine),
Angelystor (creature from Welsh mythology),
zafirlukast (an asthma drug),
paraphrastic (having the nature of a paraphrase),
biblioclast (a person who burns or destroys books; we are familiar with those),
ecdysiast (stripper),
accoast (to sail along the coast),
epanorthosis (correction of one's statement as one is making it; immediate rephrasing for emphasis),
fysigunkus (if you don't look this one up, you might just be one),
apodyopsis (the act of mentally undresing someone),
insalubrious (unhealthy; unwholesome),
zinjanthropus (what they used to call the australopithecus),
catawampus (diagonal; askew).
What an amazing language! Now, your homework is to write a story using at least 10 of this week's spelling words. Extra credit if you use them all.
Worth a look. I just noticed someone found my blog after searching for "conscription government tearing." I am curious about this. Don't you just love search engines. For that matter, there were some hits from Einstein College of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, Covad Communications (is that who I think it is?). Cool. And yikes, I won't say where a NYC government employee was surfing on the job. Just a friendly reminder that no one is truly anonymous online; another reason to oppose the Fed's right to subpoena private information. Or was this employee perhaps working on just such a government scandal - er, I mean, project? Big Brother is watching. Anyway, I think it's time for a big thank you to all my readers. Did I just give away too much? Too little? Go Baltimore! (Baltimore?)
You learn something new everyday. English has always been an interesting, if not hard, language. Thanks for the lesson. :)
Wumpus, I think I once had a children's book about the wumpusi (is that the corect plural form?) They were driven from their homes by invaders and fled underground until the invaders destroyed themselves and years later a wumpus ventured above ground and reestablished wumpus civilization. I just checked Amazon, but I can't find it now. There are books about the Wampus monster and the Wampus Cat, though. And if you'd like, you may Hunt the Wumpus online.
You're more than welcome Aviva, and Happy Birthday.
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