I'm so thrilled about summer being here. I finally made some "shirtless in the park" time. I'd call it tanning, but tanning's so bad for your skin ;)
I went and bought a salad from Pax, a banana from the fruit stand on the corner, and an energy bar from Duane Reade and sat out in Bryant Park with a laptop and a good book and had a picnic. Next time you guys should totally come with me!! I thought of how the fountain looked 4 or 5 months ago all iced over, and it was so gorgeous to see the water flowing, sunlight glinting off the spray like so many sparkling diamonds.
18+ at Splash was off the wall. So many hot young guys, made my head spin. And they were all so friendly and frisky. I ended up in a bed in Brooklyn watching Alice in Wonderland with a really cute couple, only pretty soon nobody was actually watching the movie :)
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of craziness. Four days a week, it's pretty much work to home to gym to home, wake up and do the same. One night a charity gala provided a break from routine.
But the weekends have been loads of fun, with trysts from the UWS to Brooklyn. A straight friend told me the cool thing about being gay is that threesomes don't have to be awkward. I agree wholeheartedly.
Wow this entry is boring. I need to update more oftennnn
Trump Is Reshaping the Nuclear Landscape
2 hours ago
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